
Showing posts from March, 2017

15/03/2016 Make sure you can breathe first....

Good morning world! Another 2 months passed by in a whirl of travelling, changes, workouts and work! I mentioned in my last post that I was making my new years resolution but didn't tell you what it now I will! I decided that for 2017 I will do more for others, and by this I mean charity work, I have been more active in the last 2 years doing things for charity but by accident...people asked me to help and I said yes. I never realised how good it could feel to do something for nothing, it feels better than doing things for my own good. My next blog will show exactly what I have been doing....but for now hold that thought! The next thing I decided to do was to travel watch this space:) Ok now for a bit of my passion.... CROSSFIT! People still laugh at me because I talk about this alot, but its more than just a workout! It is a community of like minded people and builds strength in my mind...taking me out of my own thoughts for 1 hour and giving me physical