15/03/2016 Make sure you can breathe first....

Good morning world! Another 2 months passed by in a whirl of travelling, changes, workouts and work!

I mentioned in my last post that I was making my new years resolution but didn't tell you what it was....so now I will! I decided that for 2017 I will do more for others, and by this I mean charity work, I have been more active in the last 2 years doing things for charity but by accident...people asked me to help and I said yes. I never realised how good it could feel to do something for nothing, it feels better than doing things for my own good. My next blog will show exactly what I have been doing....but for now hold that thought!
The next thing I decided to do was to travel more....so watch this space:)

Ok now for a bit of my passion.... CROSSFIT! People still laugh at me because I talk about this alot, but its more than just a workout! It is a community of like minded people and builds strength in my mind...taking me out of my own thoughts for 1 hour and giving me physical strength too! I had the pleasure of training with an exceptionally beautiful and strong woman - Magda Spica a few weeks ago, I wanted to show that women can be beautiful whilst at the same time strong! This woman can throw 90kg around like it was a feather! Take a look at a few snaps of our time together!

In January I was lucky enough to have spent time in Dubai where I celebrated my birthday, here I met with my very best friend in the whole wide world Nicola who lives there. Nicola and I go waaaaaay back to our early twenties when we lived in the ISLE OF MAN (google it, it's a beautiful small Island in the Irish sea) and used to spend weeks staying with each other, spending time at the gym together and living in a carefree way as twenty olds should! And fast forward 16 years, 5 children between us and many many dramas and experiences) and I think we have developed something past friendship but more of a sisterly connection, Nicola has basically seen me through some of the most stressful times in my life, I still never fail to shock her with my antics! In life I believe it's so very important to have a few good friends than many acquaintances....they are the people who give you perspective and remind you that you are special and keep your feet well and truly on the ground! Here are some pics of us :)

Now we can talk about another friend of mine, who I like to compare to Elle from the film Legally Blonde! Julia is another friend from waaayyy back when we thought it was hilarious to go to work and not do a single bit of work and it was cool to have stripy black and blonde hair, now she is a mother of 2 kids, studying Law and will one day be the best lawyer the Isle of Man has seen, people will underestimate her because she doesn't look like your typical Lawyer...it will be her strength! For me I love that people look at girls like us and see hair, nails, and all the fluff and puff and assume there is nothing going on in our minds.... but then we bring out the trump card that we do indeed have brains and run our business like a boss!  Now our relationship is via whatsapp and face-time and I swear she is the funniest girl I know...but she always has the best advice, I wish I could post our conversations but I fear we would be quite embarrassed haha. Anyway, I was struggling with my blog and what to write...I feel that sometimes everything I want to say is a little too trivial...and she said something that rang true..".Sandra! Everything in life is trivial! Lets face it every problem we have is trivial! It's how you write about it that makes it funny!" and generally this is so very true! We worry and procrastinate and if we think about it in 1 year will our worry or problem still be a big deal! I hope not :)

So I think the point I am trying to make is that we shouldn't let life beat us down with things that won't matter in 1 year, that we need to do more for others without expecting anything in return, that friends are family we choose! Try to be a little selfish too...go for that workout, eat well, get your nails done, buy the dress...because if we aren't well and happy then we won't be able to help anyone around us. Someone told me a story the other day... "sandra....when you are on a plane and they give you the instructions on what to do if the plane is going down...they tell you DO NOT TRY TO HELP YOUR CHILDREN OR ANYONE ELSE UNTIL YOUR OXYGEN MASK IS ON....you need to be able to breathe first." This makes perfect sense.

So make sure you can breathe first :)

Over and out, eyes on the prize (accent)

San xx
(Bahebk K)


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