This crazy thing called life....

Ok ok so it's becoming obvious I am not organised at blogging every week ;)  The last 6 months have been yet again a whirlwind of travel, house moves, building business, friendship and negotiating motherhood! All the while worrying that I am failing in each and every area, this I believe is totally normal!

I have spent all year building up my online business teaching English along side travelling every 6 weeks and I feel so proud of its performance and all of my amazing students who continue to inspire me with their unique qualities. During this time I have since stumbled upon another opportunity of setting up an online travel agency, a goal of mine is to have more time for travel because for me it is my passion. I love it and I live for it, I will literally be a walking advert for this new venture so watch this space and while your here have a look at my page and some beautiful pictures of  fellow travellers -

Now I know a lot of people wonder where my children fit into this whirlwind, they are my mini humans and of course they are as in love with travel as I am. I try to show my children that life is to grab by the horns, that mistakes can be made and it's ok, and that risks can be taken (to a point;)) and this last year they have showed me that as much as I cry that I am ruining their lives from time to time (JOKES) that they are extremely smart, ambitious, fun loving and well travelled independent kids. Owen is nearly 15 and the all rounder, handsome, smart, athletic, popular and funny! Ruby has the sassiest humour, she is a real beauty and can make friends with her own shadow, smart and did I create these people ;) I have zero doubts that they are destined for great adventures. Boasting over ;) 

In each blog I always shout from the rooftops about woman power (and no I'm not talking about leaving your armpit hairs to grow long and bash men, but more about strong and inspiring women;)) I recently spent a week with a very beautiful and smart woman in Dubai, who shares the same name as me funnily enough ;) At the tender age of 24 she shows an ambition and drive that I wish I had discovered at this age! A model and event manager, she manages to effortlessly make life look easy as she moves between business woman and model. Her grit is admirable because to make it in a mans world which Dubai is renowned for, you have to have a thick skin, determination and consistently show up which she did every single day. She showed me such hospitality during my stay, dealing with my whirlwind antics like a pro ;) We need more Sandras in this world, take a look - 

Ok it's time for me to go create more memories and adventures, keep your eyes on me because I never sit still ;) Over and out - eyes on the prize. 

That English Girl


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