Everything is possible...

Hello again so soon!

I couldn't fit all my news from the last month into 1 blog, so here is the 2nd part which I'm super excited to write about. I have had 6 months of complete and utter life changing situations happening, one after the other. Now as strong as I am, it began to take a toll on my usually positive and strong character and I began to look around for something or someone to give me some help.

Now..... re-wind back to 17th September 2016 11:00am, I had been hosting a meeting in a coffee house and was on my out when I heard someone chasing behind me to ask about the English services I could offer, this woman struck me as someone full of character and energy and I immediately warmed to her. A quick exchange of numbers and I left feeling really uplifted by the fact she noticed me working and her direct and determined nature, to just make the contact! I was perfectly impressed by her before I knew who and what she was about, this is a rare commodity these days!

I can now introduce her by sharing this interview with you, presenting Natalia Hatalska!

 English Girl - Natalia I can describe you as a successful, strong woman, the mother of 2 beautiful girls, author of the most influential blog in Poland www.hatalska.com a fantastic Trend Watcher and of course a wife - How do you juggle all of these different faces that you have?
Natalia - Well I haven't even given it a thought, I think everyone has different faces and different jobs in their life. So you're a mother, you have your job, your hobby and so we are one person with these different sides!
English Girl - Do you think that working mothers are battling against being judged for daring to be ambitious in a professional sense outside of motherhood?
Natalia - I think the biggest problem  is that for women there are very high expectations, you have to be a good mother, have a successful job, have a great sex life, always look beautiful...even to take the trash out! That's why a lot of women are unhappy, its impossible to be perfect in every part of our life. For example, sometimes we feel guilty, I mean I love my job and its really important to me but of course my kids, my personal life are also important to me. Sometimes I feel I should quit working and do something at home but I don't want this because I would feel frustrated! 
English Girl - If you could give a message to young women, or even the younger version of yourself, knowing what you know now, what would you say?
Natalia - I would say don't live the life that others want you to, don't let the opinion or judgement of others influence your choices. Of course speak to people, listen to what they say but always choose what you want to do! You should be sure its always your decision! Don't let people tell you what you should do! 
English Girl - Ok Natalia, you have an amazing blog which you started in 2008, just a normal girl who decided to start blogging about your passion. Your break out year was in 2010 when you won blog of the year and in 2013 you won the most influential blogger of the year at the Gdansk Influential Blogger award, looking back did you ever imagine that you would become so success and widely known?
Natalia - No No not at all! I just wanted to share knowledge, I came back from the UK as I studied at the London Business School and then I started to do the PHD and I gained a lot of knowledge from articles and such and I just wanted to write about it and share it! It wasn't a thought that it would be my career, I decided I would set up a website which I was told was not a good idea as back in 2008 blogs were considered something for teenagers! That's how it started, I never thought it would be a way of life for me, everything I have now is all down to starting this blog.
That English Girl - have you ever stopped to think about the following that you have now, I mean you have over 30,000 followers on your blog and you have 19,500 twitter followers! Its a big deal....
Natalia - no I never think about it, I am not doing this to be popular, this is not my goal. I am really happy when people download my reports and this is when I'm happy!
That English Girl - they do say if you make your passion your work then you will never work a day in your life!  OK the year after you won the blogger of the year award you hit the cover of the newspaper "HIGH HEELS" in polish http://www.wysokieobcasy.pl which when I first heard about it thought it was some kind of glamour magazine, but tell us what it actually is...
Natalia - (laughing*) no no its a feminist newspaper in Poland, they just approached me and when they interviewed me I didn't even know it would be a cover shoot! I was 6 months pregnant and the photo-shoot was in my garden, the photographer always takes photos of me, and she wanted me to be on the grass so it was 3 hours of me just laying on the grass with a huge belly!
That English Girl - now you touched on Feminism and it is something I want to talk about, they chose you to be a cover girl because they view you as a strong woman. I know your views on this, and I know other peoples, which can be rather extreme feminist views! In your blog post on the 14th March "#shemakesadifference" you spoke about people showing feminism in a rather unattractive and extreme way! So what's your stance on feminism, on record?
Natalia - Well, first of all I am a feminist but here in Poland it has a bad connotation so for me being this means being a strong woman and being pro woman! Even men can be a feminist, my father always told that we should not divide each other as men and women but good and bad! Men and women differ and there's nothing wrong with this but at the same time we are equal, I really hate when for example my daughter comes home from pre-school and the boys won't allow her to play football because it's only for boys!
That English Girl - what do you want to pass onto your daughters for when they become women?
Natalia - I just want my kids to be happy, I can't prepare a world for them but I can build there self esteem and that they believe that they are unique! I just want them to know who they are, they don't have to change, just to be themselves! I want the to know that they can do anything... my life motto is "Impossible is nothing!" I want them to believe that!
That English Girl - Impossible for me just means you didn't find the solution yet! When I am told no, generally I just look for another way!
OK, Natalia when I set up my Facebook page I wanted to show the world that I can be smart, strong and achieve my dreams. Now I understand that I am not ugly (*both burst out laughing) but it seems that when men see a pretty woman they sometimes reduce my other qualities and treat me as an object which really aggravates me! What do you think about this?
Natalia - (*still giggling) well it never happened to me, although I got messages saying that they are in love with my mind!! I don't know why this happens to you (hysterical laughing*) It's not your problem, it's the problem of the person who does this. The battle is trying to show your beautiful mind and not let someone reduce it to sex or just beauty. There is nothing wrong in being beautiful but its not the most important thing!
That English Girl - do you think it's the media?
Natalia - Yes 100%, it's a very strong message! I will always tell my kids that being beautiful is not the most important!

That English Girl - Natalia I want to ask you if there is any advice that you want to give to me personally, a girl who wants to make an impact on the world?
Natalia - Sandra, just be yourself. You are smart, beautiful, ambitious and have a lot to offer. Just be yourself.

Guys, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i did interviewing Natalia. Keep you heads up, heart open, and spirits lifted! Life's good! Grab every opportunity, tell people when they impress you, say thank you when someone compliments you! BE YOURSELF!

Eyes on the prize (accent)


That English Girl


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