18/12/2016 If you can be anything at all...be kind

Dear world, I'm sorry that I keep making you wait between posts! No excuses, I've been avoiding sitting still long enough to put all of my thoughts down in my blog;)  I am currently bed ridden with a bout of Tonsillitis so I can't avoid it any more so here goes!

Recently I have invested a lot of my time in trying new things in the last few months, Muay Thai Boxing, Pole Dance Fitness, Krav Maga, Cold Water Swimming..... plus many more to come! Not many people understand depression or anxiety attacks but it happens even to people like me, someone who prides herself on making others smile and feel good yet I couldn't do the same for myself. Unfortunately it's also an illness which causes feelings of shame and embarrassment, so I decided to take the first step and that is to tell people. Nowhere to hide and the power of this animal is reduced! Now, I don't want sympathy, no no no! I'm talking about it because I want positive vibes and to help others who silently suffer too! I decided not to take medicine from the quacks but instead treat myself through sport, it's not for everyone but its the only thing that works for me! What better way to ease a frantic mind than with something that also keeps you in shape too ;) During the time I am training, all negative thoughts are banished, the feel good hormone does its job in the same way an antidepressant would do and yes my body thanks me for it! Another really important lesson I learned is how important it is to surround myself with people who genuinely love and care for me on those days when I don't love or care for myself. I tend to hide away from people when I get this way but I think I have someone watching over me because I have been blessed with living angels (keke). We tend to take friends and loved ones for granted so I want to say it in black and white a huge soppy THANK YOU to you all but a special one to my mum Linda who basically saved me and shows true unconditional love, without her I would be lost.

Ok soppy sad moment over! Now a proud moment, back in February I was asked to take part in a charity project by Odwazni Wygrywaja which supports research and treatment of male cancer, specifically prostate cancer. In April, 18  girls from my local crossfit box Crossfit Trojmiasto in Sopot began a disciplined diet and training program under the watchful eye of Coach Maciej Bielski. In June we shot for 2 days with the amazing photographer Jan Gorczak, and created a calender for 2017 showing the female form, the experience was by far the most liberating thing I have ever done. Wondering around the place we normally train completely naked was probably the most surreal moment ever haha, but behind this experience is a serious cause, we aim to raise as much money as possible for this shitty disease! You can order your copy by emailing info@odwazni.com or buy at shops: Ksiegarni Gdynskiego Centrum Filmowego, Sklepie Pompuj Bicki or Oczywiscie Wbiurze Fundacji i Crossfit Trojmiasto

Now for the positive moment, I am a firm believer in the Law of Attraction, so what you put out you get back, what you visualise becomes reality and what you think, you become! So many people in this world are negative and mean and blame the world for their misfortune when in reality all they have to do is take a good hard look in the mirror! We are in control of how our life looks, how we treat people and how we let people treat us. I'm not perfect but I am now trying to study a new way to live, to continue learning about new things, listening more to others from all walks of life and to give without the expectation that I should get something in return! I'll tell you how it goes on a regular basis!

Ok I've rambled on for long enough :) Now it's time to go for a long mind clearing run! Over and out, eyes on the prize always ;)
(Ana Bahabek Keke)

That English Girl :)


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