Impossible is nothing.....

Good evening souls,

I am so excited to be writing this particular blog because in the last month I have been on quite an amazing trip and interviewed a woman who has totally inspired me since the first day I met her! I don't even know where to start, so I'll just try from the beginning shall I?

It was February 14th at exactly 18:04pm and I had decided to bite the bullet and take my quest to help others less fortunate that one step further....4494 km further to be precise! 

Fast Forward.... It's the 27th March 2017  11:08 am - I'm writing this as I'm sitting on a flight from Gdansk to the UK en-route to Kuwait.... I will explain :) I have been reading a lot about how changing the things that you do in your life can really give you different results and as you know I've decided to spend more time dedicated to giving back. So, on that night of Valentines Day, I found a wonderful organisation called KACCH, who help to minimize the stressful impact of hospitalization and illness on sick children and their families whilst in hospital and to facilitate optimal growth and development of the child.
 I applied to represent for them and thankfully they accepted my application but when I first received the email confirming this, I felt an overwhelming sense of emotion... in fact I had a cry (those who know me will chuckle at this...I cry a lot apparently;)) The main reason was because I'm a mother of 2 beautiful humans and the idea that they'd ever need such help filled me with fear, but also because I felt a feeling that this is where I find my sense of fulfillment, in helping others less fortunate. Many people find this feeling in material possessions, in alcohol or sadly hard drugs and many other trappings of life. I haven't been so vocal about it but I gave up drinking alcohol a while ago and it feels fantastic! It masked so many emotions for me, clouded my potential and depressed me, now I can really see with great clarity what I want from this life! Do not get me wrong, some days I dream about a cold glass of Prosecco, but I dream harder about making a positive impact on the lives of others and I need a clear mind to be this kind of human.

Any way less of the serious talk for a moment, I want to get back to my journey. I absolutely love travelling and specifically the time that you're at the airport, you can pretend to be anyone you want, just letting the world go by! A famous actress perhaps or a megastar trying to go incognito with your shades on.... or am I the only one who does this? I decided to be a steam breathing goddess in the restaurant and a bear in departures.... :)

 Also the temporary friendships you make for the few hours you're in the airport or on the plane! Take me for example, I got on my first flight to Turkey and was seated next to a lovely lady who I later learned was called Jade. First it started with a mutual opinion that we had struck lucky getting the emergency exit seats and loads of leg room, and it progressed to me helping get her bags up and down as she couldn't easily get out of her seat, and finished with us sharing life stories ðŸ˜‚ finally after parting ways in Turkey where we shared a hug as if we were old friends but knowing we will never see each other again! I saw others doing the exact same as we, some old boys sat in front us exchanged business cards and promised to be in touch....they probably won't but the bonds are built for a short time. This is why I like to travel, meeting people from all walks of life sharing stories and opinions without worrying they'll tell anyone you know or care if they judge'll most likely never see them again.
So anyway, fast forward again to my experience. It was totally amazing! The ladies who work in this organisation do a fantastic job, the children who were, of course going through a difficult time had an amazing team of women, and I want to thank them all for such a warm welcome, the cups of coffee, and the rides back to my apartment ;) Seriously, the world needs more people like these:


This trip really made me realize 100% that if I really want to make a difference in the world, I will, in one way or another! And I see something different about people who make a difference in this world. They hold a strong conviction that Human Beings are important, that every life matters. Every smile received is an achievement, one spirit lifted is a worth a million dollars. Over time, the small changes add up and sometimes they do end up changing the world! 

KACCH rely on donations to keep this amazing service running, and believe me these children and their families need this. See their website:  You can make a donation to them below as follows:


The next post will  be coming within a day, and will be the interview with the amazing Natalia Hatalska, take a look for yourself:, she is a woman who I truly admire. Keep your eyes peeled! Impossible is nothing!

Over and out, eyes on the prize (accent)

Bahebak K

That English Girl :)


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