5/09/2016 A life you don't need a holiday from....

Good morning world, let me start by saying sorry for such a huge gap between blogs! I managed to lock myself out but those who know me personally won't be surprised by this ;)

A lot has happened over the last month in a professional sense, I made the very tough decision to close my English themed cofffee shop and pass the reigns over to another couple who will open in a few weeks time under a different name whilst I build  up the education side to my business. Why would I do such a thing I hear you ask? Well I had this thing called work/life balance screaming at me in the face every single day and the other side of my company which is teaching English was proving to be extremely popular and as much as I wanted to give Gdynia some place new and valuable when learning English, it was taking away from the time I could spend really focusing on giving the best of me as a teacher to my students. The other HUGE factor was dividing my precious time between being wonder woman in business 12 hours a day and being super mum at home....I believe above all, the most important thing in life is happiness and family. Not money, not success, not those designer shoes...no I came to the hard realisation that in fact TIME was the most valuable thing I have ever had the misfortune of losing.

Now don't get me wrong, don't expect to see posts of me without a scratch of makeup on wearing a pinny and throwing together fancy home made dinners or spending all my days home cleaning like a perfect housewife (much to the dismay of my husband)... Nope I'm not giving up on success, money or those designer shoes...I'm going to work smarter, I want my children to continue to see hardworking parents and what it takes to get out from life what you put in! I have joined the world of freelance teaching and voice-over projects plus much more... take a look for yourself - https://www.facebook.com/thatenglishplace/ :) A good friend of mine said to me the other day "San, what you want to aim for is a life you don't need a holiday from..." - now isn't that a wonderful plan. And by god I will do my everything to do just that! EYES ON THE PRIZE :) I will keep you posted on how my plan develops;)

Now, on a personal note I wanted to wish my son Owen a happy 13th birthday. Not only do I feel like a dinosaur now but I also feel a growing sense of even bigger responsibility than I thought was possible than since the day I came home from hospital with him at 1 day old! Yes it does seem to be the smaller the child the smaller the issues, the bigger the child the bigger the issues. Once more, we as parents are dropped into the unknown, a world of teenagers in a world that is totally different to back in the days that we were sweet teens. I have all my self help books on how to deal with these strange humans, and I am honestly not sure if we will survive :) Well, we will try to keep him away from cans of cider, and we have tracking devices for the Iphone to check if he is out in a field somewhere at an illegal party and ...ok overthinking is bad. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Last but not least, I want to tell you that in the next blog will be a great interview via podcast that I did with the legend that is Steve Maxwell (google him!) Inspirational and we covered everything such as lifestyle, business, travel and of course Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and other martial arts  http://www.maxwellsc.com/  

I felt extremely privileged to have spent 3 hours with him since he is so busy and sought after, this guy gave me a different perspective and it could help you too so don't miss it!

Until next time...eyes on the prize

That English Girl


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