5/08/2016 Your body's not tired...your mind is! Don't stop!

So after creating a Facebook page www.facebook.com/thatenglishgirl because I felt I had something to say to the world I finally began my dream of blogging after a little help from an IT wizz kid and created That English Girl blog spot! 
I am by no means an outstanding writer or anyone famous BUT I am a girl whose life is full, challenging, sometimes chaotic but most importantly REAL! SO here goes....
I am on a mission! This mission which I do choose to accept is to overcome the dreaded thing called FEAR!  During the creation of my business (That English Place if you didn't know;)) I was consumed with an overwhelming feeling of fear and time after time I heard the phrase 'feel the fear and do it anyway!' so I did!
Now I also heard so many times that I am 'brave', now I certainly don't feel it because this silly thing called fear is still around. So I decided to do some searching into different ways to overcome this overwhelming feeling that tells me to run and hide from the world!
During my 1 month visit to Australia I was extremely lucky to have met and be surrounded by a very strong bunch of people from all walks of life, some of who you will hear about again in the future no doubt.

 The gentle and kind coach Kaveh who trained my body and mind at Revolute Movement Academy showing that you can be physically strong but more importantly you should be strong in the mind! The talks he gave before and during our trainings were more important than the workout itself, the thing that I remember most was this... 'your mind will give up before your body does...don't listen to it, your body is not tired, it is your mind that wants to stop! Keep going! Wow wow wow. How true are those words! 

My mums husband Jim (Jimothy) - this guy dragged me out of the house a few mornings when I couldn't muster the mental or physical energy to train, the guy who drove me to try Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to help me overcome an aversion to being choked, the guy who gives the truth whether it's ugly or not! Thank you because I have been told I am a bit of a princess sometimes ;) Another  sign it's all to do with Mental strength!

My Step-brother Cameron....now this animal is a favourite of mine :) He is covered in tattoos, is an amazingly talented chef (trained with Gordon Ramsey no less!) and an absolutely lethal Brazilian Jiu Jitsu athlete! This dude reminds me it's ok to be wild, in fact we need to be! 

I was reminded by lots of people to toughen up, and they didn't mean physically....I will be writing about how I am doing this in the next coming blogs!

Now I have to mention that I LOVE CROSSFIT.... this is the only thing that can lift me from a bad mood, remove anxiety and rid me of any negative thoughts that creep into my mind! It is far more than looking good, although it is a desirable side affect ;) it is training for the mind! I am not a robot though, some days I want to be lazy and eat crap! I often moan all the way to the training sessions but that feeling after beats anything else in the world! We are a team at Crossfit, we build muscles and friendships! Where ever I travel I hunt out the nearest Crossfit box and visit. In Australia I met Olivia and in only a few sessions of training together I can say this lady is a friend, someone I am in awe of and someone I watch for inspiration! Its not often that happens! 

Right I will wrap up my introductions for now, but watch my life as I look for ways to challenge myself, challenge others and live life to its fullest  :)

'eyes on the prize'

That English Girl



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