
Showing posts from September, 2017

Just be sure to notice the collateral beauty.

Ok so there's a pattern here.... I'm not so good at regular blog updates :) I have been  busy with life, and it's been a mixed bag if I am honest! Let me start with the biggest change, now I am not great with change. I pretend to be but it gives me anxiety and reduces me to a bit of a lunatic if I was to be honest. I decided to move from Poland to the UK, personal circumstances gave me a nudge and I can say that it was the hardest decision for me. I didn't feel scared for myself but for my 2 little humans, no one gives you the handbook about how to do the best thing for your children and if your decisions are right for them in the future. After settling in I can say that for a start, the schools are outstanding and the welcome from the new people we are meeting has been overwhelming. So far so good I'd say ;) Lets move on to travel :) I had the absolute pleasure to spend a total of 6 weeks in Egypt this summer! I had so many people warning me to stay out of thi