
Showing posts from January, 2018

When your wings are broken...use your claws!

Well well well, not so long between the last post and this one! Progress! I have literally been in hiding on a farm, in the middle of a field working on building my online teaching business! However that doesn't mean I have nothing to talk about, no no no. I have spent a lot of time thinking, assessing life and all the changes that have happened in the last 6 months. When I say thinking... I mean THINKING, and then some more THINKING. In other words over thinking! I don't know about you guys but it is a serious problem. I think about what might be, assess what has been, scrutinize every decision I made and over analyse it, then I think about what would happen if.... and then create whole new scenarios off the back of these what ifs!  Apparently my friend (ok therapist ;)) told me its a side effect of huge changes, I am dealing with it by keeping super busy. Action beats frustration, and when those little thoughts rush to mind I literally speak to myself and tell myself to