
Showing posts from August, 2018

Reasons to travel....

So 2 days in a row of blogging, somebody give me a medal 💪 Today I want to give you my opinion on what are the best reasons why everyone should enrich their life with around the world travel. And while I'm at it...all these reasons can also be taken as my motivation for doing what I do at 7Skies Travel - . Travelling  is easier than you think. I believe that travelling around the world shouldn’t be hard, it’s something everyone should be able to do at least once or twice in their life at the very least. Whether you choose to spend a few years, a couple months or just the annual 2 week holiday once a year travelling this beautiful planet, it’s important to see what’s out there. It’s up to you to make it happen and take the first step.  Not sure where to start?  You can always call 7Skies Travel and get some complimentary advice! Travelling gives you a different perspective Meeting people from other cultures will teach you that the way 

This crazy thing called life....

Ok ok so it's becoming obvious I am not organised at blogging every week ;)  The last 6 months have been yet again a whirlwind of travel, house moves, building business, friendship and negotiating motherhood! All the while worrying that I am failing in each and every area, this I believe is totally normal! I have spent all year building up my online business teaching English along side travelling every 6 weeks and I feel so proud of its performance and all of my amazing students who continue to inspire me with their unique qualities. During this time I have since stumbled upon another opportunity of setting up an online travel agency, a goal of mine is to have more time for travel because for me it is my passion. I love it and I live for it, I will literally be a walking advert for this new venture so watch this space and while your here have a look at my page and some beautiful pictures of  fellow travellers - Now I know a lot of