
Reasons to travel....

So 2 days in a row of blogging, somebody give me a medal đź’Ş Today I want to give you my opinion on what are the best reasons why everyone should enrich their life with around the world travel. And while I'm at it...all these reasons can also be taken as my motivation for doing what I do at 7Skies Travel - . Travelling  is easier than you think. I believe that travelling around the world shouldn’t be hard, it’s something everyone should be able to do at least once or twice in their life at the very least. Whether you choose to spend a few years, a couple months or just the annual 2 week holiday once a year travelling this beautiful planet, it’s important to see what’s out there. It’s up to you to make it happen and take the first step.  Not sure where to start?  You can always call 7Skies Travel and get some complimentary advice! Travelling gives you a different perspective Meeting people from other cu...

This crazy thing called life....

Ok ok so it's becoming obvious I am not organised at blogging every week ;)  The last 6 months have been yet again a whirlwind of travel, house moves, building business, friendship and negotiating motherhood! All the while worrying that I am failing in each and every area, this I believe is totally normal! I have spent all year building up my online business teaching English along side travelling every 6 weeks and I feel so proud of its performance and all of my amazing students who continue to inspire me with their unique qualities. During this time I have since stumbled upon another opportunity of setting up an online travel agency, a goal of mine is to have more time for travel because for me it is my passion. I love it and I live for it, I will literally be a walking advert for this new venture so watch this space and while your here have a look at my page and some beautiful pictures of  fellow travellers - Now I know...

When your wings are broken...use your claws!

Well well well, not so long between the last post and this one! Progress! I have literally been in hiding on a farm, in the middle of a field working on building my online teaching business! However that doesn't mean I have nothing to talk about, no no no. I have spent a lot of time thinking, assessing life and all the changes that have happened in the last 6 months. When I say thinking... I mean THINKING, and then some more THINKING. In other words over thinking! I don't know about you guys but it is a serious problem. I think about what might be, assess what has been, scrutinize every decision I made and over analyse it, then I think about what would happen if.... and then create whole new scenarios off the back of these what ifs!  Apparently my friend (ok therapist ;)) told me its a side effect of huge changes, I am dealing with it by keeping super busy. Action beats frustration, and when those little thoughts rush to mind I literally speak to myself and tell myself to...

Just be sure to notice the collateral beauty.

Ok so there's a pattern here.... I'm not so good at regular blog updates :) I have been  busy with life, and it's been a mixed bag if I am honest! Let me start with the biggest change, now I am not great with change. I pretend to be but it gives me anxiety and reduces me to a bit of a lunatic if I was to be honest. I decided to move from Poland to the UK, personal circumstances gave me a nudge and I can say that it was the hardest decision for me. I didn't feel scared for myself but for my 2 little humans, no one gives you the handbook about how to do the best thing for your children and if your decisions are right for them in the future. After settling in I can say that for a start, the schools are outstanding and the welcome from the new people we are meeting has been overwhelming. So far so good I'd say ;) Lets move on to travel :) I had the absolute pleasure to spend a total of 6 weeks in Egypt this summer! I had so many people warning me to stay out of thi...

Everything is possible...

Hello again so soon! I couldn't fit all my news from the last month into 1 blog, so here is the 2nd part which I'm super excited to write about. I have had 6 months of complete and utter life changing situations happening, one after the other. Now as strong as I am, it began to take a toll on my usually positive and strong character and I began to look around for something or someone to give me some help. Now..... re-wind back to 17th September 2016 11:00am, I had been hosting a meeting in a coffee house and was on my out when I heard someone chasing behind me to ask about the English services I could offer, this woman struck me as someone full of character and energy and I immediately warmed to her. A quick exchange of numbers and I left feeling really uplifted by the fact she noticed me working and her direct and determined nature, to just make the contact! I was perfectly impressed by her before I knew who and what she was about, this is a rare commodity these days! I ...

Impossible is nothing.....

Good evening souls, I am so excited to be writing this particular blog because in the last month I have been on quite an amazing trip and interviewed a woman who has totally inspired me since the first day I met her! I don't even know where to start, so I'll just try from the beginning shall I? It was February 14th at exactly 18:04pm and I had decided to bite the bullet and take my quest to help others less fortunate that one step further....4494 km further to be precise!  Fast Forward.... It's the  27th March 2017    11:08 am  -  I'm writing this as I'm sitting on a flight from Gdansk to the UK en-route to Kuwait.... I will explain :) I have been reading a lot about how changing the things that you do in your life can really give you different results and as you know I've decided to spend more time dedicated to giving back. So, on that night of Valentines Day, I found a wonderf ul organisation called KACCH, who help t o  minimize the stress...

5/08/2016 Your body's not tired...your mind is! Don't stop!

So after creating a Facebook page because I felt I had something to say to the world I finally began my dream of blogging after a little help from an IT wizz kid and created That English Girl blog spot!  I am by no means an outstanding writer or anyone famous BUT I am a girl whose life is full, challenging, sometimes chaotic but most importantly REAL! SO here goes.... I am on a mission! This mission which I do choose to accept is to overcome the dreaded thing called FEAR!  During the creation of my business (That English Place if you didn't know;)) I was consumed with an overwhelming feeling of fear and time after time I heard the phrase 'feel the fear and do it anyway!' so I did! Now I also heard so many times that I am 'brave', now I certainly don't feel it because this silly thing called fear is still around. So I decided to do some searching into different ways to overcome this overwhelming feeling that tells me to run an...